
Stories from Bike trip...Lloyd

Well, its about time you met the infamous Lloyd. Lloyd is a noose. Or snare. Or a snoose! or maybe a Nare! Well, anyways he's a mutt. I found him on our church's UP adventure trip. He's three pieces of bandanna tied together. Here's the story of how I found him.

hhgggmm( throat clearing)...THIS IS THE STORY OF LLOYD

"Hill! get in a lower gear!" shouted Ryan, one of my group's leaders. Evan, our strongest biker smoked the hill.
"Nice job, Laine, Nice job, Lexi, Nice job, Evan, Nice job, Achilles, nice job, Michael, nice job Carolyn, nice job Ray, nice job, Ryan, nice job, Allison." Said Shannon when we had all reached the top of the hill.
"All right big down hill, spread out." I said.
"Evan, you're the leader, you go first." Said Allison, another group leader. Evan shot down the hill, The rest of the group followed him.
"What is that?" shout Lexi on the way down.
"I'll check it out, Braking." shouted Achilles. I went and checked it out.
"Its Lloyd!"


And the clue for this week is....Disgruntled

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Bless your face, and if you sneezed while you where reading this, bless you.

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