
Fear of Vomiting- Emetophobia

NO, I'm not sick.
I wish to introduce you to Rhyperior the Hoppip.

RHYPERIOR the Hoppip. Lvl. 17 Impish nature. Aug. 10, 2010. Safari Zone met at lvl. 17. Capable of taking hits. Ability: Leaf Guard
It is my in-game Pokemon. I always have a Hoppip named Rhyperior. It would not make sense to me to not to. And Rhyperior for a Hoppip isn't my my worst nickname, either. I think maybe there will be a thing with my nicknames from here on out.
Bartholemew Rudolph Greengrow the Third. Male Budew. Bold nature. May 21, 2010 Route 204 Apparently met at lvl 4. Very finicky. Ability: Natural Cure

WHEW!! I'm amazed I even remembered this one's name. All I had was Bartholem... because the full name wouldn't fit in the thing it gave you. 
TheClaaaw... Male Surskit.lvl 2 Timid nature. Jul. 3 2010 Lake Verity Apparantly met at lv. 2. Highly curious. (WHAT ON EARTH...)

THE CLAAAAAW... Yes, I had recently watched Toy Story. Either that or had just eaten a D&W cake... those have SOOOO much frosting on them, OH MY WORD... delicious. But sugary. Hmm. I am noticing a lot of personality clashes... a timid and curious Surskit? A--
Greg H. Lvl 20 Male Magikarp. Docile Nature. Jul. 16, 2010 Route 34. Met at lv. 20. Strong willed. 

Okaaaaaay... that one... has... oothing to do with anything... at all... ermm... moving on. I have found Pokemon wi--
Wonsamoba lvl 40 female Abomasnow. Docile nature. Apr. 21, 2010 Mt. Coronet Apparently met at lv. 40. Likes to thrash about.

See? SEE? Exactly like that one. SUCH a strange thing. Besides, I don't think I want an Abomasnow thrashing around anyways. That's just bad news.
Ahh, yes. Who can forget the infamous MAROLU? >:)
MAROLU Female MAROLU. lv 1. Lax nature. May 3, 2011 Day Care Couple Egg recieved. May 3, 2011 Route 35 Egg hatched. Strong willed. 

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. On the outside it may look like a simple Mareep. But this thing's parents were an Ampharos and a Lucario! This is NOT a Mareep, this is a Marolu. ....The breeding did absolutely nothing to get anything special. It's just in the name. I hope it learns Aura Sphere...

WELL that's enough of my Random Pokemon Names and Stuff for now. Comment if you would like to, I woud appriciate feedback from our silent readers. I am nice enough to say that even if you don't follow publicly or have a gmail you can still comment. When it asks for your identification or account, I'm not sure, select Anonymous and state your name. If you don't state your name we have no way to get back to you. So please leave a name.

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