

What goodly little creatures! Aardvarks. yes Aardvarks.

What doesn't Belong!


hhhhhhhmmmm Well leave comment and answers the question. Think carefully.

And now for story time with Achilles. 

Onc upon  a time... A legendary warrior created to items of power. This Warrior happened to be Goat-man. and the items of power just happened to be Socks made from pure Narnian Beef!  But one day he lost one of the Pure Narnian Beef Socks! and small child named Arthur found them....

Arthur but in the laundry just like he did every day. Then the most unusaul thing happened. A goat-man jumped out of his washer and gruffly said:
"Aaaaaaarrrrhhhhh Wheres me Sock made of pure Narnian Beef!" Arthur in fright grabbed yard stick and proceeded to slap the Goat-man's fingers. The goat-man drew a largeish mallet and broke the stick. once again he shouted:
"Wheres me Sock!" Arthur regained his senses and insulted the goat-man's mother. the goat-man who's mother had died recently gasped and shouted the infamous goat-man swear-word. 
 "JEFF BRIDGES!" And Arthur, innocently said what anyone else would.
"that dude from TRON?" 
"No! whats a TRON?" yelled the goat-man. 
"Red-Vine?" asked Arthur. he had just remembered his manners and proceeded to offer the goat-man lickerosh whip. The goat-man took the Red-vine and tore off a piece. he chewed. he swallowed. And then he spoke. 
"Dag Gum! that the best Vine I've ever eaten!" He shook hands with Athur and mugged him.   

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