
Griffins are Dragons Too!

Well, recently people are saying that Griffins are not dragons.

Well these people are Racist.

Griffins are dragons just like Zombies are people too. If you think otherwise don't express it or I'll have to violently dispose of you. Yes, I would do that. Achilles is not a pacifist. And if you think otherwise, don't express it or you too will have the same punishment as above.

Achilles is a terrifying Elf-Warrior! Not a Sissy pacifist Karthian! Which if you knew anything about Arknen, you would know that that Karthia is a very warlike nation! Which just shows how dangerous Achilles is in comparison.

Well, after that angry rant i think its  for a picture of this infamous Warrior.

I know, he looks strangely like Legolas from Lord of the Rings. But thats pretty much what he is.

He uses a bow and knives like Legolas and is a elf like him. Well, that ends this post, and remember, GRIFFINS ARE DRAGONS TOO! He also uses a dirk.

1 comment:

  1. Wha--- He uses a boy?? WHAT?? Please clarify... that makes no sense whatsoever.


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