
Fear of Horses- Equinophobia

Dear oh dear. This post seems to be having problems; if you can't read it check back later and hope I fix it. 

...VERY self-explanatory.
In the poll, I suppose I should clear something up: Everyone thinks "Violence is Magic", huh? er-HEM. Here's a Wikepedia article Shyruni sent me a while back, when the Pony fad was just... er... starting...


I suppose that I should just admit that I have three MLPs myself. They aren't normal, though. They were McDonalds toys, and then I... ahh..
Let's just say that sharpies are magical. >:)
I'll try to post a picture of them sometime. 
Anyways, they all have names. And I play with them mainly with my Playmobil and Pokemon action figures. (I'm strange, I know. XD) They usually end up as the punching bags of the settlements, like for instance right now...
Crittershine, the blue one, is deluded. She thinks that she's actually good with animals just because of her name. She tries to create a pet shop but ends up begging someone to take over the shop. Everyone laughs at her and the raccoons take over. (Yeah, usually goes somewhat like that. The raccoons are all based off characters from a website...)
The nameless orange one was the first. She had... issues... with getting blown up... somehow she kept ending up in between Reshiram and Zekrom's violent clashes. And facing full brunt of the Ham-Hams. And not to mention getting Pw'OWNED by Akuma the badger... sigh.... 
The other nameless green one has curly hair and I enjoy making her hang upside down from the ceiling. It's fun. Tape is magical, that's all i have to say. >:) Everyone laughs and ignores her. 

Oh, yes, and how can I forget the old OLD series pony that is our cat toy? I got one YEARS ago and the cats "adopted" it. Then the crazy great dane/labrador mix ate several of its legs, so we had to throw it away (I think... >:] ) And so I found an old one at a garage sale and now the cats are happy again.

The other funny thing is that I also have these six-year-old rubber Hamtaro hamsters that I got, like, in the first grade. They have their own respective personalities too, there's one that is a grouchy housekeeper and if you spill something in Reshy and Zek's house she kicks you clear to China. (Hope you have your passport.)

...Sorry. Did that seem sort of...
rantish? I apologize. I'm working on something to post on YouTube soon, but it might take a while because it's in a program I'm still trying to figure out...

Well. That's today's unpleasant surprise. I hope I didn't kill all of you with the surprise... 

This post was shared on Squirrels and Dragons.

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