
Minecraft Adventures: the Creation of Alara

Soft crunching noises wafted through the air, nearly stifled by the cold air. A dark figure strolled across the ice and stopped to look around. A lone Creeper skittered off of the chilly surface and ran into the woods, startled by the figure's sudden appearance.

The figure looked around. The world was shameful, vacant of life. It was dark, too. Then, without warning, the shady figure leapt into the air and soared high into the sky, drifting ever so slightly south.

"There!" the figure exclaimed aloud. "There is the perfect setting for a small village!"

And the figure flew south. As she did so the sun began to rise, bringing a bit of life to the forsaken world.

A lava pit bubbled and popped in the northernmost corner of where the village would be. Though covered in grass, the landscape slowly began to sprout buildings of wood. The figure watched this happen, and placed a fence around the newborn village.

"This fence," the figure smirked, "will keep all the evils of Night away from this village."

A few lonesome chickens popped out nowhere, and the sun rose a little higher.

The figure looked around. The village was fully furnished, very cozy, and even had a few pastures where any animal could dwell in peace.

"This village shall not belong to a creature so unintelligent as chickens," the figure said. "Instead, the chickens shall stay in an aviary, emerging only to be thrown to fire."

And it was so. The chickens were moved to an aviary, where they could lay eggs and be unintelligent in general in peace. Cows and sheep were placed inside the pastures, pigs in another that led to a building for easy bacon retrieval.

The sun rose a bit more, peering over the horizon skittishly.

The figure pondered hard. The village was nearly complete, and yet it was so uninhabited.

"This is not right," the figure mused. "No village should remain uninhabited."

The figure tried everything it could think of. Endermen were too tall for the houses. Even so, they just teleported away at the crack of dawn. Zombies were the essence of evil and the things the fence around the perimeter of the village was to protect the village against! Creepers could not open doors, and even if they could, they could not be read to appreciate it anyways. Ocelots ran away and wolves just jumped into the fire pit.

So the first Villager was created.

His name was Randall.

"I like Randall," the figure grinned. "Randall seems to like the houses, and he can open doors!"

The sun rose high into the sky, burning all evil on the land.

More like Randall were created. The village flourished. The mysterious figure stayed around and protected the village, so long as the little village never failed to throw a Mooshroom into the lava pit every Monday.

The village was called Kanard Ille, or Beginning Village.

And all was peaceful in the new found land of Alara.

One day, the mysterious figure called a meeting in the center of the village. She had an announcement to make.

"My precious Villagers," the figure said. "Randall, Judy, Desmond, Pokey, Mildred, Cornwallis, Koko, Peilei, Johnny, Pip, Mona, Cupcake, and Children. I have an announcement to make."

A short bout of muttering arose at the villagers' names being said.

"I will be leaving on a short trip to build Drenluch Cille, the Golden City. It will take me only a few weeks. Do not leave the perimeter of the village, and do not tamper with the fence. Please don't throw any Mooshrooms into the fire pit; just put one in the cage for every Monday I'm gone. I like watching them catch on fire."

And so the mysterious figure left. Life was good in Kanard for the next three weeks. Or Mooshrooms, however you wish to count it. The crops grew well, the villagers went inside at night, and no-one messed with the fence.

But on the Sunday before the fourth Mooshroom, a young lad named Howard saw a lonesome Creeper weeping in the rain.

"Oh no," Howard cried. "That Creeper is crying! I wonder what is wrong!"

He asked around the village, but the only responses he got from the adults (namely Randall) consisted of things like "the happenings outside our village are of no concern" and "because the Mysterious Figure said so."

But Howard tired of life inside the village; chasing other village children around, tormenting pigs, sheep and cows, and throwing rocks at chickens was not his thing.

The Monday of the fourth Mooshroom, Howard tried to crawl through the slats of the fence, but found that he could not fit. So instead, Howard pulled a slat in the fence loose and crawled through.

"I will replace it when I come back," he thought. Howard ran out to greet the Creeper. The creeper gave Howard a look and ran away. As the villagers moved the fourth Mooshroom into the Sacrificial Pen, Howard chased after the Creeper.

Before Howard knew it, the sun began to set. He ran as fast as he could back to the village.

When he returned, it was nearly dark. Half of the villagers were outside looking for him, still concealed inside the fence. Howard slipped back in through his hole, but was in such a rush that he forgot to replace his loose slat.

The villagers explained that a Creeper had recently come bearing news that the Mysterious Figure would soon be returning, and that before the fifth Mooshroom would be penned, she would be back!

Howard was overjoyed. He went to bed and forgot all about his hole in the fence.

Quality of life in Kanard was decent still. Howard, having forgotten about the hole in the fence, attended the Waiting Ceremony every morning that week in hopes that the Mysterious Figure might return. The day that she did, two Endermen were by her side, furious as the Nether itself.

"Hello again, my subjects."

A buzz went up. The mysterious figure spoke with scorn and did not address all of them by name like she normally did.

"Howard the Librarian, step forward."

Howard stepped forward. The Endermen grabbed him and teleported away.

"Howard has been taken to Drenluch City, where he will be tested for loyalty."

A gasp rose. Little Howard the Librarian got to go to the Golden City? How amazing!

"Now. Who here knew that Howard ventured outside the village?"


The Endermen reappeared and readied themselves to take Randall away.

"YOU FOOLS!" the mysterious figure screamed. "NOW YOU HAVE OPENED YOURSELVES UP TO THE WORLD! In a child's innocence and your obliviousness, you have sentenced yourselves to a life if eternal suff'ring!" The figure paused. "Suff'ring. I've always wanted to say that. BUT BACK TO THE POINT! NOW THE ZOMBIES CAN GET IN!"

A collective gasp came back. As did Howard, with a little pop.

"I'm leaving now. To expand the horizons further. But I will be back every Monday to watch some Mooshrooms be thrown into lava and make sure that you're not all DEAD. HOWARD!"

Howard cowered in between a building and another Villager, Judy.

 "For your curiosity and willingness to help one of my kind," the mysterious figure (now revealed to be a Creeper) "I sort of commend you, but you will still have to suffer. You're not allowed inside the village again. THE REST OF YOU!"

The rest of the villagers cowered in between Howard and another building.

"I'm putting up a gate. You've all rejected me! Why should I keep you here against your will?! This means, though, that those of you who are LOYAL," the Creeper said, and looked at most of the Priests and Blacksmiths, "will need to fight and stay strong in order to survive here."

With that, Howard popped away and reappeared outside of the village fence and the Creeper flew away.

End of Part One of the Chronicles of Alara!

What is Alara, you may ask? This is my Creative Mode world in Minecraft. Okay, so it's called "To The End" but whatever. I am building it so that someday, when I have all of my friends over and when I have me a Chromebook (DUDE THEY'RE ONLY $250!!) we can play through the marvelous land of Alara.
Here's some more about the different locations in Alara so far.
Kanard Village:
Kanard Village in full Arudin is Kanard Ille, which means Beginning Village. I, OrangePika, the majestic Creeper goddess of this world, created it on a whim and put a bunch of pigs in the lava and WATCHED THEM BURN!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!!
Kanard has THRICE been nearly wiped out by zombies, so it is very much a doomed village when I go to create this next village. These zombies are interesting. While the full-sized ones burn in the sunlight, the small ones do NOT, which leaves them terrorizing the town until nightfall again. Or technically, all eternity. It's kind of amusing to watch, actually. The adults getting chased around by a swarm of midget zombies is funny. XD
Drenluch City
Quite literally placed name. Again. Golden city. Ev'rything's made of gold and it's placed upon lava! UNDERGROUND!! INSIDE OF A CAVE!! So you have to walk for like, a day in order to get there. It's kinda fun.
There's this one building that takes you up a bunch of floors, but you're sealed in. I call it the "riches tower" and if you get to the top floor (which supposedly has "riches galore") and enter the FINAL door, the only way out is to go through a Nether portal! AHAHAHAHAHA!! Don't fall for that, folks! AHAHAHAHAAAAAAAa.... Haaaaaaaaa....

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