
Story of my Life: Part 3

So yeah, tons of siblings. Actually didn't mean to publish the last post when I did, so we'll just start somewhere else.

The sibling that I was closest to was my sister, Mylee. She is quiet and artistic. She is also one of the few people that understand my ramblings on LOTR, as she will break out in one every once in a while. We just happen to both be in Junior high as well. She's in the 8th grade and I'm in the 7th.
She, also like me likes to run around outside and play tag. Tag is probably one of my favorite things to do.  I like to say that I have a fire in my legs.
We often orchestrate the family into thrilling games of tag, capture the flag, or Beware!The Leek of Doom!

We also made up our own type of math.  Its the new Achilles/Mylee version.
For instance, to find the aardvark of a circle, you multiply the pigeon by the rabbit.

Around this time, my mother decided that I could fire a bow well enough, spar my way out of anything, and cast spells with my eyes closed, so she put me in the local middleschool.

There I learned more knowledge then I could ever ask for. Not all of it good though. Most of the bad stuff was colorful swear words and that most females can't find a real shirt.

So now you know how my life up to now.

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