
Wait, what do we call this?

Well, most of the people who read this blog either a) know me personally or b) have probably figured it out by know.

As Blimey Cow puts it, I've acquired a "Significant Other."

Her name is Grace, my brother calls her 'Grace Phillips', or just simply 'Phillips'.

Now, before I go on, it should be noted that this it not yet a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. Why? Well, I currently don't have two things that I need in order to be a good boyfriend. They are a) the capacity and b) permission.

I don't have the capacity, because I'm only 14. I can't drive and I have no income (spendable income that is).  I can't take Grace on a date, because I don't have the resources. If I could drive, and were like a junior in high-school, I'd take her on a date for sure. That, and my parents aren't comfortable with me dating yet. I also see a little bit of worthlessness in dating at this point. There's not really a whole ton that one can do when they can't drive. A date should just be about getting to know that significant other in a deeper way.
So, this is kinda a weird relationship. We don't even know what to call it! We aren't just friends, but we aren't bf and gf.

Currently at the moment, there's only two other kinda/sorta similar relationships going on. For privacy, I won't use real names.

Betty and Bert have liked each other for about a year now, and just recently christened it an official relationship. Yes, that means that they have the coveted status of boyfriend and girlfriend. They haven't been on a date or anything, (as far as I know... NOBODY EVER TELLS ME ANYTHING!) but I think that they just got fed up and made it official.

Tom and Sheila on the other hand, have a slightly more similar situation. Tom is allowed to date. Sheila isn't. this means that they're stuck in this sort of odd game, were they are doing everything that boyfriends and girlfriends do, minus the title. They go to movies together. She goes to his sports events. They hangout all the time.

Me and Grace, well we aren't either of these relationships. We aren't boyfriend and girlfriend, like Betty and Bert, nor are we essentially, but pretending not to be. We aren't just friends. This relationship is "something more", but how much more?

The problem is, I don't think that anybody's ever been in a similar relationship. Or, if they have, it wasn't a big deal. Is there even a socially accepted middle-ground relationship?

Do you guys have any insight?


  1. I don't really care if something is "socially acceptable" or not, and I don't really get why people get so worked-up over it. I actually was in a sort-of similar position, though I never dated (though I don't really call it dating, considering our stances towards each other) until past my 18th birthday, a little under a year ago. I don't really see the point in dating unless both parties feel that they could, and that they want to, spend the rest of their lives together. If either party does not feel that they could, or that they would want to, then any leading on would likely just end up in heartbreak down the road, which isn't worth friendships. But if both of you feel comfortable with that, I don't see why you couldn't be bf/gf. I don't see the point in dates - just visiting each other should be enough, you guys can talk and get to know each other better there. And if either of you cannot even hang out (meaning you are too far away to bike or walk, or simply too lazy) then what is the point of even being that? How do you two even know you guys really could like each other like that, and that it isn't just hormones? Yes, I don't really know you except for what you post on here, but I think my statement is a blanket statement, which could be applied to nearly any relationship. This probably will not help you, but meh, I needed to get this rant out there.

  2. This actually was pretty helpful. I think that one way that I know it's a legit relationship is that it's been going for a month and a half now, and feelings haven't changed. Yes, it is too far to walk or bike, otherwise we most likely would be hanging out more often.

  3. Phillips, Grace PhillipsMay 5, 2013 at 6:21 PM

    Okay, now after time has passed I also have something to say to this, not much, but something nonetheless. When I normally think of a gf/bf relationship I think of two people of the opposite gender going out, or dating, which then implies dates. It doesn't exactly have to be this way, this is just the first thing I think of. But yes, as Will said we do sadly enough live too far away from each other to just bike or walk to see each other. Again, as Will already commented about I too know this is legit and not just hormones or something because of the length in which this relationship has lasted. Because, Will correct me if I am wrong, but this started about March 17 of this year, and our feelings for each other have not changed since then. I think this is all I have to say pertaining to this subject,,,,,


  5. Phillips, Grace PhillipsMay 6, 2013 at 5:28 PM

    Yes,,,, I love them! :)


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