
Report Titles

Every week for school, I write reports for variouse subjects. I like to find humorouse names for these reports. Here's some of the best.

For the subject of Art (the name of this curriculum is The Annotated Mona Lisa):
And now, for the wonderful world of (inhale) Aaaaaaaa (exhale)aaaaaaaaaaaart!
Artvark and the Annotater-tot.
The Annotated Mona Lesley
The Annotated Mone Lisa, Lesley, Lindsy, Lucy, and just plain old Lou.
Beware the nudes
Wait, so does English Romantiscm mean a bunch of people making kissy faces at each other and drinking tea?

For the subject of Geography:
But Mrs. Geography lady, Mt. Nool is that way!
Today we learned about Mrs. Geography Lady's friend who climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro.
Mrs. Geography lady? What do Hindus have to do with Geography.

In unrelated news, I have a girlfriend! Her name is Macy, she shoots 700 rounds per minute, and she's EVERYTHING I DESERVE IN LIFE!

Thats right folks, she's an AK-47 AEG airsoft gun. 365 FPS , full metal body and a sleek brass eject. The only thing plastic about my baby is her stock. Isn't she pretty? Oh, I love her so much! We've known each other for a while before we started dating- about four hours while her battery charged. Our first date was adjusting the Hop-Up. She's awesome. You are all very jealous.

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