
My Spleen (An Allegory for a Tragedy)

My spleen has always been with me. It's always contentedly sat in my midsection, doing it's job, filtering my blood. Yet, maybe, just maybe, I've taken this little bugger for granted. Have I? What would happen if my spleen just randomly.... disappeared. What if my spleen just picked up and left?

I doubt that he would want to go, after all, everything he knows is in my rib-cage. Well, what if he were forced to leave? He had to be removed to save someone else's life. A spleen transplant.

I think that I do take my spleen for granted.

I think I did take Micheal for granted.

Today, my friend, Micheal moved two hours away. He's always been in my life, contentedly sticking by my side. Me and Micheal, we never had an especially deep friendship, but it was a friendship none the less. In fact, I'd say that it was in the middle-ground between deep friendship and good friendships.

It was a REALLY good friendship. Micheal has always stuck by me, and I have no idea why. He's always been there, and I will sorely miss him.

His departure will be likened to the loss of an organ.

Perhaps a spleen.


  1. Hi. My name is Michael. No this is no coincidence, I am the aforementioned Michael. It has been about a year and a half since the move and as I read the post I began to cry. I don't know why. Maybe it was because i missed its author so much. maybe because it summed it up so perfectly. no. It was because it touched me more than I can ever say. it showed me that Will was a closer friend than either of us realized. We were always there for each other. Always caring. Always listening to the other(usually him listening and me talking his ear off :D). but the best thing was the mutual trust that I miss. Will you were like a brother to me. Not my best friend, but close. Not like we never got on each others nerve, we did allot. but we always made up and went on. Will from the bottom of my heart I MISS YOU.

    And Will, This is for you Bro,,,,,,,


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