For those of you that don't know, I am a HUGE LEGO fan. Most of you have probably also gathered that I am a HUGE LOTR fan. Well, I've combined the two and now I'm making LOTR legos. Along with the help of my helpful sidekick, Kipp (whose also my brother) i have made the following things.
Gandalf (wizard)
Aragorn (King of Gondor/Ranger/Dunedain)
Pippin/Frodo/Sam/Merry (one hobbit fits all)
Gimli (Dwarf)
Boromir (Knight of Gondor)
Treebeard (ent)
Shelob (Giant spider)
Warg (wolf-like creature)
Warg Riding Goblin
Uruk-Hai Pikemen
Uruk-Hai Crossbowmen
Uruk-Hai Berserker
Uruk-hai Suicide bomber
Balrog Of Morgoth (Demon of Fire and Shadow. I've only built it's head. It would be way to hard to build the whole thing)
Uruk-Hai Siege Tower
Balin's Tomb
Bridge of Khazadh-Dum
Shelob's Lair
Orc Catapult
I'm thinking about making the Ruins of Osgiliath next. If you have any idea's leave a comment. I can't do any more rocky/cavey/holey area's anymore since i have run out of black, gray, and light gray parts.
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