

This is an idea for a series I had recently... I might just try to pull it off.
It involves ALOT of photography and probably a little digital editing.
It also happens to involve a certain Shaymin (in)action figure of mine that I left at Shyruni's house for about 2 years. He only recently found it, tralalalalala...
ANYHOO, in this photographic series, Shaymin shall go on many different adventures through the dangerous territory of... my backyard. All of the Pokemon portrayed in it shall be either action figures or Sculpey clay that I made myself. (Not the clay, fool. The POKEMON.) I haven't ever seen this done before; I figure it's a nice original series to do.
Voicing your opinion would be AMAZING, especially since I don't really want to do something people despise with a deep fire burning down within their soul.

My brother has a ticklish tongue.

"This is madness."


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