
Time fer another blog post of death, doom, destruction and bubonic plague that's gonna eatch ya face

Does this annoy you and potentially make you want to throw up?
Thats what I thought. 

Ignore those lines- they were crossed out for a reason. 

Not much has been happen' lately. Everyone in my family is getting sick. 

And now, for a random story that is literally coming directly out of my brain as I right this, and was not planned out all, which, if you know me, is highly irregular. 

Once upon a time, there was a woodchuck. He was a very musical woodchuck who loved to play the electric drill with skill that would make you cry. One day, he met a jackolope who was starving. The jackolope then attacked the musical woodchuck (his name was Farnsworth) and chewed off his face. The woodchuck was then cast away from his woodchuck colony because his face had been eaten by the jackolope. Farnsworth had to go to bank to withdraw his woodchuck chucked-wood money. When he got to the bank, he discovered that he had insufficient funds. This made the homeless, penniless, woodchuck very very very very very very very very very very VERY.... sad. Then he went and ate a scone and all his problems were solved. 

This is a list of words I had stuck in my head yesterday:
1. Theodwyn
2. Qeunta Silmarillion
3. Akallabeth
4. Nirnaeth Arnodiade
5. Azaghal
6. Gurthang

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